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Use Dynamic DNS with Azure DNS zones

I wanted to use Azure DNS Zones for my personal domains. The problem I noticed was, that I cannot use a CName record at the root of a Domain. To host my Website and some more stuff at my home, where I have a dynamic IP adress, I needed to find a way to update a Azure DNS A-Record when my Public IP Adress changes.

Andreas ZellerAbout 4 minPowershellAzureDDNSAzureCLIPowershellHomelab
Use Powershell Secret Store with Service Accounts

Sometimes it's needed to use secrets or passwords in scheduled Powershell Scripts. Those secrets should not be written down in the script directly. To do that more securely the Powershell Secret Store should be used.

Andreas ZellerAbout 2 minPowershellPowershellPasswordsSecret ManagementSecrets